The Death Letter Project
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Clive Lochner | Musician

Death is perhaps The End.

Perhaps not.

Best after the bucket list is completed.

Rather die at age 100 years, involved in a group encounter with a couple of cute ladies from sheer exhaustion whilst singing Fever or I Feel Good.

When you're dead other people's memories of you may linger so make sure you're well remembered.

Organ donor's hearts live onto influence the recipient being.


Physical reincarnation is an interesting idea - if a shark eats you then you end up a bit of the shark - "you are what you eat or get eaten by".

Therefore bury me in the ground and let me be a tree or throw me in the sea and let me be a fish.

Don't believe in heaven, hell, god, or a devil - foolish primitive stuff - doubtful about afterlife and reincarnation, but who knows?


When I die don't want no coffin

Thought about it all too often

Throw some bits into the sea

And bury the rest 'neath a fruit tree.

Editor's note: Clive is a professional musician who regularly performs on vocals & percussion around Sydney. 

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